Tom. P 2014
Tom, who is six years old, started his treatment with David and Alex in January 2014.
Before coming to the David Mulhall Centre, Tom was showing significant difficulties in his fine and gross motor skills and processing delays. As a consequence, he was a very frustrated little boy at times. He also wet the bed on a daily basis, which, again resulted in low self esteem and tantrums.
Tom has been a model patient throughout the programme – which he readily accepts as his daily routine. Ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening has been no problem to us.
We have seen many changes over the past nine months. Specifically, Tom no longer wets the bed, which just happened over night! He is more responsive and his gross and fine motor skills have improved dramatically. Tom still has some catching up to do in respect of his peers, but he is moving in the right direction.
We are very grateful to Alex & David for everything they have done for our family.
Tom’s older brother is now undergoing the programme too, as the family have been extremely pleased with the results.
S.W. 2014
David Mulhall has treated three of my children, each with different issues. All three of them developed in ways that I am convinced would have been difficult, or even impossible for them without David's intervention. He analysed their problems effectively and diagnosed different courses of treatment to suit each child. I actually found it quite uncanny how David seemed to be able to predict behaviours in them that were familiar to me, without having seen them himself, just by his knowledge of what effects the various retained reflexes would tend to produce. In fact, initially, that is what I found most convincing, and allowed me to make the leap of faith necessary to start such an unconventional therapy. As time went on, with each child, I could observe changes in their behaviour and attitude, but also in their posture and physical abilities. Things previously beyond their capability became easier and easier.
My oldest son, now 21, is in his final year of a Maths degree. David saw him when he was about 10, and helped him to become more organised and calm. David treated another son, now 16, when he was about 8. He has just gained a respectable crop of GCSEs, and is starting Sixth Form. He had been very delayed in his early development, and is dyslexic, but David helped him to overcome these issues. My youngest son, 9, has just completed a course of treatment with Alex. He was very immature and had several physical problems, but we have seen amazing progress in him. He is doing well at school, is stronger, with better balance and legible handwriting - a wonderful result!
I strongly believe that the therapy that David and Alex offer can change lives - not just for the children being treated, but for their families and even their teachers. I have recommended them to lots of people over the years, and will gladly continue to do so.
“Since starting the treatment eleven months ago, I cannot believe the change in Ed – he is so much more mature. This child is just completely different – at the weekend he just said he had some homework to do and went off and completed it all on his own.
He got really good exam results and he is now in line with the national average.”
I was referred to David through the directress at my son’s Montessori nursery when he was 3 but I was advised to wait until he was a bit older for the treatment to be more effective.
We started in October 2012, when he was 7 years old, with keen interest. I listened, observed and scrutinised with underlying scepticism. ‘How can stroking my son with this copper instrument improve his behaviour?’ Out of desperation to see some improvement I was eager to build faith and hope. I applied the strokes with patience and precision, tirelessly. As I gradually saw how things were positively progressing my scepticism turned to fascination and intrigue. I was beginning to see the results of something I couldn’t explain, only believe due to the tangible evidence I could not deny.
When I first came to the clinic Marcel was restless. When he crawled along the floor his frame was weak and floppy. He was reluctant to follow instruction because they weren’t clearly understood or assimilated. He was labelled at school as disruptive and stubborn. Being a bright child his interest was not sustained therefore he became bored and devised his own interests which inevitably led him into trouble. I had constant complaints and meetings with the school. By the end of his 18 months treatment everything was levelled out. The positive impact this has had on our lives has been immense and quite overwhelming for us. His teachers have commented on the positive improvement. My prayers have been answered. I just wanted my son to listen and follow instructions. I just wanted my son to be in full control of his emotions and stand tall and strong without his restlessness. I just wanted my son to develop his attention span and be more focused. The treatment accomplished all of this and more. In Marcel’s own words, he said, ‘The old Marcel has gone now mummy. This is the new Marcel and I am happy’. In my words, ‘It’s a miracle’. Without hesitation I would recommend this treatment to others. I believe it is good value for money when compared to what parents spend on inanimate things which last for a brief moment compared to the long term, life-changing benefits of the treatment.
I still don’t understand the logistics of the treatment in the same way that I don’t understand acupuncture, reflexology, etc, but I know they work.
We grew in our affection for David, who is very caring, dedicated and shares our joy in what has been accomplished. We feel a sense of gratitude towards him. We would like to say a big THANK YOU.
A memorable experience.
Marjorie and Marcel
Ben goes from strength to strength!
Karen first brought Ben to see Alex because of her various concerns with the difficulties he faced – problems with maths, poor sequencing skills, balance issues, poor physical stamina and low self esteem – sport generally was very challenging, poor short term memory etc.
She e-mailed 6 months after Ben had been signed off his RRS programme. This is what she wrote:
“I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you again for all you have done for Ben. I must admit that I was sceptical at first, but kept an open mind and can honestly say that I have been nothing short of delighted by the results! I watched Ben win a race in a B eight at a regatta in Tewkesbury the other day and felt quite choked seeing him pulling his weight and working as part of a team. The co-ordination and timing required for that would have been totally beyond him a year ago! At 6′ 1″ (as he is now!) and with his broad frame he is certainly built to be a rower! He may well never make the A squad or the first XV in rugby, but it is just so great to see him having a go and enjoying himself.
Academically, it would seem that his results just go from strength to strength and he appears to have turned into a ‘straight A’ student! He did exceptionally well in his end of year examinations (with an average of over 70 pc) and as a result will be in many top set classes next year as he starts his GCSE course. I certainly would not hesitate to recommend your treatment to anybody with similar problems to Ben. I hope you have a good summer.
Thanks again.”
Sam's Unknown Problem
We had been told since the day Sam started school that “something was a problem,” but no teacher could actually put their finger on it. Lots of suggestions about why were made, including the fact that he was an August baby!
Finally, frustrated with the lack of progress, we had Sam privately assessed and we were given the diagnosis dyspraxia and dysgraphia. Although we appreciated the effects this had on his handwriting, we were unaware of the overall effects dyspraxia would have on his daily life – his general organisational skills, his ability to concentrate or follow multiple instructions to name a few, but, most importantly, the emotional rollercoaster.
While researching Dyspraxia we came across David Mulhall’s website. Reading the information on the screen rang a lot of bells for me and we decided bring Sam to be assessed. As a physiotherapist, I knew a lot of the tests and reflexes that David tested. However, I had not realised the impact these “stuck” reflexes had on Sam. As David explained, so many pieces of the puzzle that is dyspraxia made sense – from his swimming stroke through to his distractability in class.
We began treatment with the brushing technique in February 2006. The response was immediate. In the first month we had an initial extreme reaction in Sam’s behaviour for a few days, which was quite startling. Then once this settled down, progress was immediately apparent. The main changes were in his handwriting and emotional reactions (they became less extreme). Gradually over the months more subtle changes were apparent. We experienced a slight setback for a few days when we first changed the brushing techniques. And a couple of times we had to ease off and slow down the treatment. However, progress was steady.
Now 16 months after we started, Sam is doing really well, his reflexes appropriately in place. And he is developing into them. He is a happy well-adjusted boy, and emotionally well-balanced. He still has some concentration and task completion issues. I really do believe these will continue to improve as he catches up with his development.
In September, Sam starts at senior school. We feel strongly that having followed the David Mulhall regime we have given Sam the best start he could have had. My advice to anyone reading this would be definitely give it a try and to follow the regime to the letter (there were times when we did not brush for a couple of days and we definitely saw a slowdown in his progress).
With patience, faith and (a little) endurance you will reap the rewards.
Sam’s mother, July 2007